Psalms 68:6 "God makes homes for those who are abandoned; He makes free those who are bound with chains." Wednesday 8:48 AM – Some dogs get themselves adopted and don’t really need any help from me. “Loki” was a handsome Australian Shepherd mixed breed dog that was picked up stray by an animal control officer on August 6, 2018. I probably didn’t need to do any “glamour photos” of this boy, but I was on a roll that morning and did his photo session anyway.
I arrived at the animal shelter around seven in the morning and got everything ready for a morning full of photography and dog evaluations. In the exam room, I readied the vaccines, deworming and flea medicine, and syringes to draw blood for heartworm tests. Just outside the building I had my camera, a bag of toys and treats, and a few leashes ready to go. I then began the “assembly line” of bringing each dog one-by-one for exam, diagnostics and photography. “Loki” was one of nearly a dozen dogs I photographed that morning. And, like I said, this handsome boy didn’t really need my help and was adopted the very next day!
Psalms 68:6 "God makes homes for those who are abandoned; He makes free those who are bound with chains." Wednesday, 9:03 AM - Rocky the Rottweiler was surrendered to the Walton County Animal Control shelter in Monroe, Georgia USA. Sadly, his owner said that he no longer had any place for him. (I understand the situations of life, but I also long for the day when it is understood that pet ownership is a life-long thing.) Rocky was surrendered on August 3, but after six days he he hadn’t gotten any attention. So it was time for some “glamour photos”! Rocky was a bit underweight and was losing some fur because of fleas. He also had a bit of infection in his eyes. So before his photo session, he had to hit the “makeup chair”! I cleaned out his eyes, brushed his coat a bit and got him ready. Although maybe not perfect, the photos showed the potential of this beautiful boy. And within just two days Rocky was adopted by a couple who saw his photo on the shelter’s adoption website,, and drove two hours to save him! ![]() William Wise Photo Nature Notes is a wildlife, birding and nature photography blog documenting the beauty, design and wonder of God’s creation. -- "What a wildly wonderful world, God! You made it all, with Wisdom at Your side, made earth overflow with your wonderful creations." Psalms 104 The Message Walton County, Georgia Psalms 68:6 "God makes homes for those who are abandoned; He makes free those who are bound with chains." Wednesday, 9:40 AM - Down to the wire! That is how it can be at times in an animal control shelter.
“Bama” had been in the Walton County Animal Control shelter for eleven days. That might not seem like a long time, but in an open-intake “dog pound”, that is too long! Most dogs are afforded less than a week to get new homes. “Bama” had been turned in to the shelter three times by citizens who found him running loose in a local mobile home park. The first two impounds, his owner came and bailed him out. But the third time wasn’t a charm for him. His owner didn’t come. He was turned in on August 2, 2018 and sat and sat; waiting and waiting. He got his photo session on August 10. Finally, on the eleventh day, at “the eleventh hour”, an adopter came to the shelter on August 13 and saved this boy! Psalms 68:6 "God makes homes for those who are abandoned; He makes free those who are bound with chains." Wednesday, 9:08 AM - “Rambo” was an older Pitbull mixed breed dog surrendered to the Walton County Animal Control shelter in Monroe, Georgia. He had a photo session on August 8 and was placed on the shelter’s adoption website,
Although he had $350 in pledged donations for his rescue from Alice, Lorraine and Anne, sadly, no rescue came to save “Rambo”. But I leave his photo as a memorial to him and all the other dogs surrendered to shelters across the nation that don’t get a second chance. For the last two weeks, since the Northern Mockingbirds have fledged, it seems that is all I see on my morning walks. Five Mockingbirds have continuously hung out near the berm of the firing range. It was no different this morning and I nearly walked by with indifference. However, I’m not sure what it was, but something caused me to look twice. Perhaps it was the way this bird just sat silently staring at me. Perhaps it was a tail that was a tad too long for a Mockingbird. Or perhaps it was the yellow bill. Whatever it was, when I stopped to take a second look, a new Life Bird was added to my list: a Yellow-billed Cuckoo! Cornell’s website says, “Yellow-billed Cuckoos are slender, long-tailed birds that manage to stay well hidden in deciduous woodlands. They usually sit stock still, even hunching their shoulders to conceal their crisp white underparts, as they hunt for large caterpillars. Bold white spots on the tail’s underside are often the most visible feature on a shaded perch.” An apt description of what I saw this morning. Walton County, Georgia, USA Isaiah 45:18 -- For thus says the LORD, Who created the heavens, Who is God, Who formed the earth and made it, Who has established it, Who did not create it in vain, Who formed it to be inhabited: "I am the LORD, and there is no other. Saturday, 7:17 PM - Birding again almost exactly 12 hours later. A few crows were sitting high atop the Loblolly Pine. As they made strange sounding croaks, I was reminded of my reading the other week on what differentiates the Fish Crow and the American Crow. Were the odd sounds coming from this trio denoting a Fish Crow ID? Can the other birders who list daily Fish Crows really tell the difference? Clarke County, Georgia Psalms 104:24 -- O LORD, how manifold are Your works! In wisdom You have made them all. The earth is full of Your possessions; Monday, 7:30 AM - so much activity in the brush along the firing range berm. Mockingbird juveniles everywhere! Pewees, Phoebes and Grosbeaks too! Walton County, GA Genesis 2:3 And God blessed the seventh day and declared it holy, because it was the day when he rested from all his work of creation. Sunday, 7:07 AM - I love Sunday mornings on my back patio. All the regular birds appear quickly, but the longer you sit, the more you can see.Now that I recognize the Eastern Wood Pewee’s call, I hear them up in the woods and drew one closer with some playback. A little bit later, a White-breasted Nuthatch appears. They are supposedly here all year, but I don’t see them too often at the feeders. Next, a Black-and-white Warbler pops in. He is strangely tailing a Tufted Titmouse all through the yard. The normally solo Red-bellied Woodpecker is followed in to the feeder by two others this morning. It appears the young have fledged and now have to learn to come steal suet on their own. And the backyard is now full of Chipping Sparrows having produced another successful brood of young. Clarke County, Georgia Colossians 3:1 Since you have been raised to new life with Christ, set your sights on the realities of heaven, where Christ sits in the place of honor at God’s right hand. Saturday, 7:17 AM - a full and busy day ahead, but still a short chance to BYOB (Birding Your Own Backyard) before the day starts. New yard sightings this morning: Eastern Wood Pewee and Orchard Oriole. Clarke County, GA 1 Chronicles 16:11 Search for the Lord and for his strength; continually seek him. Friday, 10:30 AM - As a high-schooler, I occasionally ‘played hookie’ to go off and do what I wanted to do. I suppose some of that rebellious curiosity hangs around in us as adults. Being a slow week, I left work early on Friday morning (at least I had permission, contrary to my high school days) and drove 45 minutes away to Dyar Pasture Wildlife Management Area in Greene County, Georgia. My mission: Roseate Spoonbills. Another eBird user posted several photos of these beautiful pink birds at the waterfowl impound. This would be another Life Bird photograph for me. And not only did I capture the Spoonbills, but I also nabbed a Yellow-crowned Night-heron. Although not a great photo, still another life bird shot. Dyar Pasture Wildlife Management Area ![]() Tree Frog hiding in tree bark at Dyar Pasture Wildlife Preserve, Georgia. The American green tree frog Hyla cinerea is a common backyard species, it is popular as a pet, and is the state amphibian of Georgia and Louisiana. These frogs are found in the central and southeastern United States. Photographed at Dyar Pasture waterfowl preserve on Lake Oconee, GA, USA Proverbs 21:9 It is better to dwell in a corner of the housetop, than with a brawling woman in a wide house. ![]() Mourning Dove perched on roof peak at sunset in Clarke County, GA. The mourning dove Zenaida macroura is also known as the American mourning dove or the rain dove, and erroneously as the turtle dove, and was once known as the Carolina pigeon or Carolina turtledove. It is one of the most abundant and widespread of all North American birds. It is also a leading gamebird. Friday - 7:39 PM. Birding in my backyard in the last rays of the day. A Mourning Dove sits alone on my rooftop facing into the setting sun, his breast a glowing orange. A pair of Summer Tanagers make their last surveys of the neighborhood before heading to their evening retreat together. Clarke County, Georgia Proverbs 26:1 Honor is no more associated with fools than snow with summer or rain with harvest. Thursday, 7:35 AM - What do you do on a totally overcast morning with light rain? Put a rain cover on your camera and go out any! The humid days bring stormy nights here in the southeastern United States. The rainfall from last evening has held on through the night into this morning. But I’ve made a personal challenge to go birding and shooting (photographs) every day throughout the month. So what do I do facing the light rain? Get out there anyway! I haven’t spent the money on a commercial rain cover yet. There are some real fancy ones out there that totally cover your camera but still allow you to look through the viewfinder. Some even have an opening for your hand to access the shutter button and controls! But I have found a simple grocery bag is good enough for the light rain. The other option is to use an umbrella. But if wildlife photography is your gig, like birding is mine, umbrellas and animal spotting don’t go together too well. And with an umbrella in one hand, you only have one hand to shoot. Again, wildlife shooting with a long lens probably won’t work well while holding an umbrella! So for me, the plastic bag will work for now. For some reason, as I take this expensive electronic equipment out into the rain, the song “The Fool on the Hill” by The Beatles is repeating in my mind. Perhaps it is a self-commentary as I foolishly wander in the rain with a camera looking for birds. But I'm not the only one out here. A juvenile Great Blue Heron, a bright white Great Egret, and a pretty Whitetailed doe are out enjoying the light rainfall. I got the shot and kept to my August goal of shooting every day! Walton County, Georgia What is causing the quarrels and fights among you? You are jealous of what others have, but you can’t get it, so you fight and wage war to take it away from them. James 4:1-2 Thursday, 6:30 PM - August has arrived and the entire hoard of hummingbirds has as well! There were no less than five fiesty hummers buzzing the feeder and warring with each other this evening. Our one dominant female, "Myrtle", still strives to chase all the others away. The action is such a blur to the human eye, but a quick shutter speed reveals some brilliant fencing! Clarke County, GA Job 9:4 For God is so wise and so mighty. Who has ever challenged him successfully? Wednesday, 8:01 AM - It’s a foggy, grey, overcast start to a new month. Last month‘s personal birding goal to have at least one eBird list per day with at least one photo per list was a fun challenge, however it left me with hundreds of low resolution “photos of record” not good for much else. It also left me with days and days of photographs without corresponding blogs. So what will August’s personal challenge be? Less photos and more blogging! But even though I’ve said that, I find myself out at 7:30 AM on eBird walk behind the office with my camera! And then what else? eBird announces the August contest: optics give-away for users with 50+ media posts. I guess I'll be taking a lot of photos again this month! Walton County, Georgia, USA |
February 2025