Mark 16:17-18 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; they shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.
Amos 3:9-11 Announce to the forts of Assyria, announce to the forts of Egypt— Tell them, “Gather on the Samaritan mountains, take a good, hard look: what a snake pit of brutality and terror! They can’t—or won’t—do one thing right.” Having just gotten saved last December, two friends and I jumped in the car to drive across country to the Tucson Bible Conference. The miles passed along slowly, but in the middle of Texas, a large yellow Billboard appeared on the horizon. Just what us young reptile enthusiasts we’re looking for: the Brazos River Rattlesnake Ranch! Just inside the front door, a huge bull snake lay in a wire cage. Sounding just like the rattle of a big diamondback, the bull snake forcefully exhaled a loud hiss, startling every visitor through the front door. The entire building was filled with rattlesnakes, Dead and alive. It appeared to be a place that paid bounty on rattlers for the local snake hunters. Rattlesnake boots, hats, wallets, belts, and any other type of clothing was for sale. A somewhat gruesome display of hundreds of Diamondback skins hung over the railings and rafters. Out behind the building in the “zoo” were several large pits. Each pit was about 50 feet by 50 feet and about 6 feet deep. The pits were filled with an overabundance of desert reptiles, most in a state of severe emaciation. Not only did you have to pay the fee to enter “the zoo quote, but there were also mice available for purchase to feed the captives. One young boy excitedly approached the rattlesnake pit with a mouse in his cup. He couldn’t wait to toss it in, see it struck and envenomed by a big rattler, writhe in pain to finally expire and be consumed. The boy took a few minutes to find the biggest rattler and tossed his little prey in front of its waiting fangs. As soon as the rodent hit the ground, as quick as lightning, it was immediately set upon... and swallowed whole by a large bullfrog that was laying concealed close by! The boy was a bit disappointed to say the least.
March 2025