On the way home I saw 3 crows hopping around focused on one spot on the ground. One jumped in, picked up and immediately dropped a long black ribbon. A Mockingbird threw in a dive and I immediately recognized the way of birds and snakes.
Throwing the car into reverse, the crows backed off and I could see a long, slender, 2 foot black snake with a solid white belly. A Black Racer. Since I saw him move, knowing he wasn’t dead, we jumped out of the car. Yes, it’s the way of nature, but my bias falls on the side of the reptile. Poor guy comes out on a December day, probably not to eat a bird or egg, but just to gather a little warmth. I wanted to free him from his cackling bullies. On closer look, blood was coming from his mouth and several spots along the body were torn open. Since I saw he could not be saved and was near lifeless, I decided to let nature have its course and leave him to their meal. They cannot be blamed either, for they knew he was the foe of their innocent babies in the nest, even in the eggs.
We can create a watch, but God has created an entire universe; a perfect chronometer, the cogs of gravity spinning the wheels of orbits in perfect precision. Glory to God!
John Muir wrote in Travels in Alaska: “The care laden commercial lives we lead close our eyes to the operations of God as a workman, though openly carried on, that all who will look may see.” (chapter 15) Gemenid Meteor ShowerWatching the Gemenid meteor shower. Here again is depicted the grace of God: huge stones are hurtling toward earth, yet the atmosphere is so perfectly designed by Him to burn them up before reaching the surface and leveling a patch of civilization. What if the atmosphere were only slightly thinner? BOOM! And ignorant man… ignorant of his peril, and equally ignorant of God's wonders and grace, goes about his day not even knowing that the beauty of a meteor showing is playing out in the heavens above. Much less knowing its significance.
March 2025