Isaiah 65:18 -- But be glad and rejoice forever in what I create; A Sunday afternoon of laid-back birding from by backyard patio. Clarke County, GA
Psalms 68:6 "God makes homes for those who are abandoned; He makes free those who are bound with chains." ![]() Need stock photos? Download from my gallery on 100% of funds support waltonpets adoption photography. With his home-cropped ears, tough guy look, and being heartworm positive, “Max” was going to be a hard one to get out of the shelter. No ordinary quick kennel shot was going to work, so I took Max outdoors for a glamour photo session on September 27, 2018.
He was surrendered to the Walton County Animal Control shelter by his owner who cited that number one excuse for dumping their pet: “moving.” So Max’s only hope of living a longer life was to be adopted or rescued. I left Max’s collar and multiple tags around his neck hoping it would soften his look a bit and show he was a house pet. The 200mm f/2.8 lens really did a great job of showing the detail in his face. I did a little dodging and burning to bring out that deep golden glow in his soulful eyes. Thankfully, with the help of pledges from Audrey, Jason, Anne, Janet and Linda, he was picked up from the shelter by a rescue group on October 1, 2018! With a good photograph and some big help from the animal welfare community, Max got is lucky day! “I believe that the Book of Nature, with its astounding details suggests a God of purpose and a God of design. And I think my belief makes me no less of a scientist.” Owen Gingerich, senior astronomer Smithsonian Astrophysical Laboratory September 25 to September 28"Walking back up to the car, Joel said, 'if nonbirders had been watching us just now, they never would’ve understood why we were so excited about those insignificant little birds. I mean, how would you go about explaining it to someone?'" Monday, 10:22 - excited to walk out my office back door and get to add a Prairie Warbler on my Walton list! I supposed non-birders just won't understand. Walton County, Georgia Great are the works of the LORD, studied by all who delight in them. Full of splendor and majesty is his work. Psalms 111:12 Saturday, 8:55 AM – With an unusually open morning came the privilege of relaxing and birding my back patio a little bit longer than most Saturdays. With the fall migrations beginning, I decided to browse the Merlin app for warblers that I hadn’t yet photographed and try some playback to see what I could see. The Chestnut-sided Warbler was near the top of the probable list for Athens at this time of year. I was shooting nearly every bird that passed through the yard. A few “small yellow birds” flitted into the trees, but as far as I knew, the Chestnut-sided hadn’t responded to my calls. As the morning wore on and the bird activity slowed down, I reviewed my photos. Northern Parula… Pine Warbler… Then I saw it. There was a shot of one little yellow bird lifting its wing as it flew off its perch in the persimmon. There under the wing was an unmistakable patch of reddish-brown! A Chestnut-sided Warbler. Who is next? Athens, Clarke County, Georgia "There is nothing more eloquent in Nature than a mountain stream. Its banks are luxuriantly peopled with rare and lovely flowers and overarching trees, making one of Nature’s coolest and most hospitable places. Every tree, every flower, every ripple and eddy of this lovely stream seemed solemnly to feel the presence of the great Creator. Lingered in this sanctuary a long time thanking the Lord with all of my heart for His goodness in allowing me to enjoy it." Colossians 1:16 - For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him: Friday - I was able to sneak myself along as a chaperone on my daughter’s field trip to the Blue Ridge Outdoor Education Center in Toccoa, Georgia. I tried to keep it discreet, but was doing some birding for the two days we were at the mountain retreat. When we arrived, the Turkey and Black Vultures were soaring in the clear, hot skies. My third bird was a Hairy Woodpecker clinging to a tree just outside our cabin. Our first activity was “A Walk in the Woods”; and it was exactly as it sounds: a walk in the woods! About midway through the hike, the camp counsellor had the kids stand in silence next to a small stream with their eyes closed. As I participated, I heard the distinct call of a White-breasted Nuthatch in the distance. While the kids were involved in team-building activities, I heard a Belted Kingfisther call from down a trail labelled “Wetlands Trail.” Quite fitting. But my few photos from the trip came just after breakfast Friday morning when I snuck out to a patio behind the dining hall. I spotted wrens, a Downy Woodpecker, a Pine Warbler and watched as two Pileated Woodpeckers chased each other through the pines… too quick to get a photograph. I spotted 18 species in the the two days at BROEC. Sunny, with a high near 87. Calm wind becoming southeast around 5 mph. 1 Kings 18:44 Finally the seventh time, his servant told him, “I saw a little cloud about the size of a man’s hand rising from the sea.” Wednesday, 7:45 AM - I’ve come across nearly every other woodpecker in Walton County, but hadn’t photographed a Red-headed Woodpecker. But I finally spotted one this moring… and not just one, but three! Two adults and one juvenile flew over the main pond heading from south to north. While standing near the upper pond hoping for some new warblers, a long-tailed bird flew into the trees and began cuckoo-ing. I tried a little playback from my phone and two Yellow-billed Cuckcoos came forward to peer at me. Monroe, Walton County, Georgia We’ve never seen nature unchained and undiminished. We’ve only seen it cursed and decaying. Yet even now we see a great deal that pleases and excites us, moving our hearts to worship. If the “wrong side” of Heaven can be so beautiful, what will the right side look like? If the smoking remains are so stunning, what will Earth look like when it’s resurrected and made new, restored to the original? From Heaven, by Randy Alcorn Tuesday, 8:04 AM - although not a life bird for me, still an exciting find being my first Northern Parula in Walton County, Georgia. Walton County, Georgia Job 39:13 “The ostrich flaps her wings grandly, but they are no match for the feathers of the stork." Monday, 10:35 AM - As I came up to the pond where I regularly do some birding, this gorgeous Great Blue Heron was perched upon a duck breeding box at the far end of the pond. Normally, he is too skittish to sit out on the open pond so close to buildings. I knew he probably wouldn’t sit there long, and if I was patient, I might get a shot. My hope was that when this heron left his perch, he’d fly to a nearby pond behind me. So I positioned myself in the shade right in the anticipated flight path. Wait on it. Wait on it. Finally, after about twelve minutes, a vehicle came by and spooked him from his perch. Well, I was correct in that as soon as a vehicle drove nearby he would take off. But I was wrong about his direction. Instead of flying toward the other pond, he flew to my side of the pond and landed on the bank not far from where I was sitting! Today: A 10 percent chance of showers and thunderstorms after 4pm. Mostly sunny, with a high near 90. Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created. Revelation 4:11 Clarke County, Georgia Psalm 28:9 Save thy people, and bless thine inheritance: feed them also, and lift them up for ever. Light, consistent drizzle continues to fall but the winds have died down. 73°F. Genesis 8:1 But God remembered Noah and all the wild animals and livestock with him in the boat. He sent a wind to blow across the earth, and the floodwaters began to recede. Saturday, 7:30 AM - Quite often, backlit silhouettes don’t make great photos, especially in bird photography. However, I couldn’t make myself delete this image of a Red-shouldered Hawk perched upon a snag at sunrise. Not because it was a great shot, but more because it reflected my mood. Hurricane Florence had made landfall and was dumping rain through the Carolinas. Several friends from our sister church in Jacksonville and Wilmington, North Carolina had either left home, or hunkered down. As the sun rose on the new day, I was waiting for a text or email, praying they were all okay. This silhouetted Hawk against an advancing wave of blue clouds fit the somber mood. But not much later, as the rays of the sun broke the horizon, a White-eyed Vireo perched atop the Persimmon tree and began to call. A ray of hope to break the sullen mood! Thankfully, I received word over the next few days that the friends that stayed it out fared well, and the friends that evacuated made it safely back to homes without any damage. Clarke County, Georgia Proverbs 18:15 Intelligent people are always ready to learn. Their ears are open for knowledge. Friday, 8:03 AM - I'm not sure if I'll ever get all these little birds right! Not only are there a bunch of different warblers and sparrows, but I'm discovering there are several flycatchers to sort out as well! This morning I was drawn to a phoebe-ish sound and spotted it this one. I only heard it once, and there are also plenty of Phoebes and Pewees here to throw me off! It was in the same general area as the Alder/Willow Flycatcher I saw a few weeks ago, so I just wasn’t sure. I emailed Dr. Richard Hall over at UGA and he replied, “That looks like an Acadian Flycatcher to me - complete eye-ring, big bill and flat forehead giving it a 'thrush-like' profile. The fact that it appears to be in a treetop is more consistent with Acadian too (in general, Willow and Alders perch low down, though that's not a watertight rule in either direction).” When people bring or send me photos of snakes to ID, no problem. But these birds! One day I’ll get them! But it is exciting getting to learn all these birds. Mostly sunny, with a high near 94. Heat index values as high as 99. Matthew 15:27 And she said, Truth, Lord: yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their masters’ table. Friday, 5:36 PM - Wanting to boost my Oconee County birding numbers a little, I stopped by the Athens Seed Company on Depot Street in Watkinsville on my way home from work. Before they cut my normal route by making McRee Street one-way, I used to pass by here every afternoon. In fact, my Life Bird photo of a Cooper’s Hawk came from this very location. Depot Street is lined with trucks at the seed company’s loading dock. And as those trucks are loaded, plenty of seed seems to spill into the driveway. There are always plenty of Mourning Doves, Eurasian Collared Doves, Pigeons and others there to pick up the scraps. There was also a clever Red-tailed Hawk perched on the water tower above keeping an eye on those distracted doves scooping up the scraps! I was only there less than ten minutes and counted seven species. Oconee County, Georgia Friday, October 19, 2018, 4:47 PM I passed through Athens Seed Company again on my way home from work. There were no less than 30 Eurasian Collared Doves feeding off the spilled seed, and plenty of House Sparrows as well. A fairly large group of Eastern Bluebirds patrolled the property edges too. |
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