![]() William Wise Photo Nature Notes is a wildlife, birding and nature photography blog documenting the beauty, design and wonder of God’s creation. -- "What a wildly wonderful world, God! You made it all, with Wisdom at Your side, made earth overflow with your wonderful creations." Psalms 104 The Message The Joro Spiders have begun to hatch and once again invade Georgia. Their large, strong, sticky three-dimensional webs have been going up on every power line, bush and tree throughout northeast Georgia over the last few weeks.
First arriving in 2018, this invasive species has continued to spread throughout Georgia. iNaturalist spottings have now spread to Tennessee and the Carolinas. The single observations posted this year in outlying states will no doubt continue to spread over the next few years, unless something happens to control this invader.
Animal Shelter Furtography is my collection of pet photography from the humane society animal shelter to find new homes dogs and cats needing rescue or adoption. The photographs are posted on several national pet adoption websites.
"Duke" was a handsome male Bluetick Coonhound mix that was picked up by an animal control officer on September 13, 2022. "Duke" and I had a Pet Rescue Furtography session on September 15, 2022. Coonhounds are always so photogenic and make my job much easier. No owner came to look for him and he was rescued by Atlanta Lab Rescue on September 20, 2022!
Animal Shelter Furtography is my collection of pet photography from the humane society animal shelter to find new homes dogs and cats needing rescue or adoption. The photographs are posted on several national pet adoption websites.
"Skipper" was a sweet female Beagle and hound mix that was surrendered to the animal shelter by her owner on September 14, 2022. I did her Furtography session on September 15 and she was rescued by MACS Friends the next day!
![]() Animal Shelter Furtography is my collection of pet photography from the humane society animal shelter to find new homes dogs and cats needing rescue or adoption. The photographs are posted on several national pet adoption websites. "Bruiser" was surrendered to the animal shelter by his owner on August 29, 2022. After seeing that no rescues or adopters wanted him, they felt bad and came back to get him on September 21, 2022
February 2025