“Traelin” was a 5-month-old puppy brought in to the animal shelter on August 19, 2019 by a woman who said she saved him out of a bad situation. Only problem was, her landlord wouldn’t let her keep him. And it was true, he really seemed neglected. He was severely underweight and had patches of hair loss on his head and elsewhere.
Poor Traelin was also quite skittish and nervous when he got to the shelter. Who knows what he had been through. He sat huddled in the corner of his kennel doubting everyone’s intentions. But if you watch his short video, you’ll see how quickly he warms up to a kind voice. He is just looking for some love and security. A few days after intake, Traelin gave us a bit of a scare. That morning his kennel had a bit of mild diarrhea and blood. Immediately fearing parvo, a highly contagious virus, we tested him and thankfully he was negative. A few doses of dewormer and he was already on the mend. Traelin got better and better as he received TLC at the animal shelter. He was photographed on August 22, 2019 and put on the shelter's adoption website. Thankfully he got another chance at a happier life when he was rescued on August 23, 2019 by Washington-Wilkes DAWGS Rescue! His rescue was sponsored by donations to the rescue from Polly, Cindy and Anne.
"Harley" was a nervous girl that was surrendered to the animal shelter by her owner on August 15, 2019. But who can blame her? These dogs live their lives comfortably in a home and are used to one family. Then all of a sudden they are in a loud kennel with a bunch of other dogs. She perked up a bit outdoors for her dog rescue photos, but just needed a secure loving home to unwind in. I was a bit worried when Harley's only adoption application fell through. But thankfully she was picked up by a rescue on August 23, 2019 with some help from donors Jason and Anne.
"Walker" was a loving and playful dog that came into the animal shelter on August 13, 2019. As his adoption video shows, this boy absolutely loved having his belly rubbed. And it was his antics on Youtube that got him a new home! He was rescued by WW DAWGS Rescue on August 21, 2019. His rescue was sponsored by donations to the rescue from Valerie, Eileen, Kay, Jason, Alice and Anne.
“Dad, it’s so easy! You just click this right here, upload the video and photos, mute the audio and press ‘create movie’.” That’s how this old dog (me), learned a new trick. My introduction to video production came from my 15-year-old daughter!
I’ve carried a camera since the 1900’s. That was later than the gold-rush and railroad days; but not too much later. And it was a 35mm film camera at that! When digital first came out, I could be quoted as saying, “It will never catch on. Nobody will leave the quality of film.” This old dog wasn’t up for a new trick. But eventually I had to roll over and now couldn’t imagine going without my digital camera. When it came to video, it just wasn’t my thing. I’d stick to my still photographs and leave all that up to the videographers. But necessity is the mother of change. While they loved the glamour photos of the animal shelter dogs, so many rescue groups and potential adopters wanted a better feel for an animals size and temperament. Often, that can’t be conveyed in a still photograph. Reluctantly, I began posting video footage on the pet adoption website. Sitting in a tent in the Okefenokee Swamp after a day of paddling and wildlife photography, I watched as my young daughter edited and posted her GoPro footage on her phone and straight to her YouTube account. “It’s that easy?” I asked. And after just a ten minute tutorial, I was up to speed on making videos for the dogs needing adoption and rescue. They aren’t the best videos. I haven’t put as much time and money (yet) into learning video production as I have photography, but the results have been great. The rescue and adopters have commented how much even these short, 1-minute videos have helped with adoptions. I guess it pays off for the dogs when an ‘old dog’ finally learned a new trick!
This sweet senior made a bit of a stir when he was up for adoption! It must have been that greying muzzle or those sad brown eyes, slightly clouded by cataracts. Either way, his photos got the attention of a couple of adopters and rescues before his hold was even over.
Marvin was a senior Black Labrador Retriever that came into the animal shelter as a stray on August 18, 2019. He had no collar or microchip to find his owner. Being an older boy, he simply laid around in his kennel, not paying to much attention to visitors. But outdoors for his photo session, you could tell he was in his element. The age seemed to drop off and he was a perky young Lab again... especially on the banks of the pond. Perhaps he was recalling the good-ol'-days when he used to swim and retrieve with his owner's family. Marvin was rescued on August 23, 2019 by SOS Lab Rescue! His freedom ride was sponsored by pledges to the rescue from Jason, Racheal and Anne. "Girl" was surrendered to the animal shelter on August 8, 2019. The person bringing her in said she belonged to a friend that was in jail in another county. But later that day, the owner called about claiming her and said she'd be there that day. Over the course of the next week, Girl waited in her kennel, and the shelter called her owner a few more times, but she was never claimed. She found a new home on August 19, 2019!
Marley was a cute little terrier and Chihuahua mix breed dog that was turned in stray to the animal control shelter on August 5, 2019. His owner never came back to get him and he was rescued by Canine Caravan Rescue on August 17, 2019!
Williamwisephoto Nature Notes is a wildlife, landscape, birding and nature photography blog documenting the beauty, design and wonder of God’s creation. -- "What a wildly wonderful world, God! You made it all, with Wisdom at Your side, made earth overflow with your wonderful creations." Psalms 104 The Message
I took my typical morning walk behind the animal control shelter to change the SD card in my game camera. Up along the firing range berm, I spotted a writhing black ball and a bird wing in a tree. Holding up my specs, I couldn’t believe my eyes. About 30 feet up in the air, a Ratsnake was simultaneously dangling from a limb and struggling to swallow a Northern Mockingbird. I ran back to my office for my camera. Returning in about 5 minutes, it was still going at it. I watched for about 20 minutes until they fell into the undergrowth and I couldn’t see it anymore.
Walton County, Georgia ![]()
Williamwisephoto Nature Notes is a wildlife, landscape, birding and nature photography blog documenting the beauty, design and wonder of God’s creation. -- "What a wildly wonderful world, God! You made it all, with Wisdom at Your side, made earth overflow with your wonderful creations." Psalms 104 The Message
Copperhead Pit Viper with open mouth to strike showing fangs and glottis. Agkistrodon contortrix, is a species of venomous snake, a pit viper, in Eastern North America. Heat-sensing pit organ located between the eye and the nostril on both sides of the head. Bite symptoms include extreme pain, tingling, throbbing, swelling, and severe nausea.
This beauty was picked up on an animal control call in Walton County, Georgia. A woman opened the door to a utility shed and found it curled up right in the entrance. The copperhead was pretty thick along the back end, so I’m thinking she may be a gravid female. I was doing a quick photo session before releasing it and this feisty viper kept striking at my camera. So I got some nice video footage of her strike.
Copperhead Pit Viper flicking tongue. Agkistrodon contortrix, is a species of venomous snake, a pit viper, in Eastern North America. Heat-sensing pit organ located between the eye and the nostril on both sides of the head. Bite symptoms include extreme pain, tingling, throbbing, swelling, and severe nausea.
The Great Egret has been returning almost daily to the retention pond. It has grown quite tolerant of my presence and I was able to approach it slowly today, and get quite close.
Just having some fun setting my trail camera out around the woods by my office in Walton County, Georgia.
"Esco" was a happy Aussie mix breed dog picked up stray by an animal control officer on August 5, 2019. He was rescued by Leica's Saving Paws on August 8!
![]() William Wise Photo Nature Notes is a wildlife, landscape, birding and nature photography blog documenting the beauty, design and wonder of God’s creation. -- "What a wildly wonderful world, God! You made it all, with Wisdom at Your side, made earth overflow with your wonderful creations." Psalms 104 The Message I remember seeing this partially piebald White-tailed Deer last year as a fawn not long after it was born. At that time (and still may), it walked with a limp. I'm not sure if this is would be considered a piebald deer due to a genetic anomaly, or if this was from some sort of injury or other cause.
Marshmallow was a handsome, neutered Great Pyrenees and Labrador mix breed dog picked up stray by an animal control officer on August 5, 2019. He was rescued by Athens Canine Rescue on August 8, but eventually reunited with his owner.
Miller was a young Lab and Pitbull mixed breed puppy that was turned in stray to the animal shelter on August 6, 2019. He was rescued by Washington Wilkes DAWGS Rescue on August 10, 2019!!!
![]() Williamwisephoto Nature Notes is a wildlife, landscape, birding and nature photography blog documenting the beauty, design and wonder of God’s creation. -- "What a wildly wonderful world, God! You made it all, with Wisdom at Your side, made earth overflow with your wonderful creations." Psalms 104 The Message Eating lunch on a Sunday afternoon after church, I suddenly jumped up from the table. (My family is somewhat used to that.) Grabbing my camera, I snuck out back where there were two nice bucks still in velvet in the meadow behind my house.
February 2025