![]() William Wise Photo Nature Notes is a wildlife, birding and nature photography blog documenting the beauty, design and wonder of God’s creation. -- Psalms 104:19-20 He appointed the moon for seasons: the sun knoweth his going down. Thou makest darkness, and it is night: wherein all the beasts of the forest do creep forth. Saturday, 5:02 PM - Nearing dusk, I filled my backyard feeders with black oil sunflower seeds and peanut suet. I sat close by to photograph any visitors, but it was a bit too late in the day, and perhaps already a bit too chilly at fifty degrees. Only a Downy Woodpecker flew in for a mouthful of suet, but quickly retreated when he heard my shutter click. Across the street in the trees and snags of the neighborhood green space, several vultures occupy their evening roosts in limbs like some sort of macabre Christmas tree decorations. As the light fades, they leap off one by one, and sometimes in pairs or triplets, and effortlessly soar southward over my house and into the woods beyond the pasture to roost for the night. I take advantage of the quiet moment in my own backyard roost to survey my surroundings. All the grass in my yard and the meadow behind have turned a dormant brown; the leaves are all off the Crepe Myrtles, Sweetgums and Black Cherries; the three young Water Oaks hold onto about 15% of their leaves, now a mottled pale green and yellow; the Day Lilies have long since wilted and the lantanas are bare sticks reaching skyward like the roots of an overturned shrub. The pines have all dropped their rusty needles and are now needled out in fresh green cover for the overwintering birds. Small “sweetgumballs” hang silhouetted against the darkening horizon.
I love the solitude and peace that can be reached in my own backyard. Although I’d love to be camping, I can still find a refuge even if the activities of life do not allow a getaway. I end the evening with a roaring fire in the backyard fire pit. Our backs feel the chill of the night air, but our faces are bright and warm. Athens, Georgia
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January 2025