![]() William Wise Photo Nature Notes is a wildlife, landscape, birding and nature photography blog documenting the beauty, design and wonder of God’s creation. -- Job 38:4-6 "Where were you when I created the earth? Tell me, since you know so much! Who decided on its size? Certainly you’ll know that! Who came up with the blueprints and measurements? How was its foundation poured, and who set the cornerstone..." ![]() Birding callback attracting an inquisitive Carolina wren on tree branch in Walton County, Georgia on sunny day.. Support my animal shelter work by downloading this photo at www.dreamstime.com. 100% of funds go back into shelter adoption photography and education programs. Thursday, 8:58 AM - I’ve been reading through an interesting book by Dan Koeppel called To See Every Bird on Earth. The book is mostly about the author’s life and relationship with his father who is a “Big Lister.” I really enjoyed reading about the "sport" of bird listing… it is much deeper and more complex than I had ever realized!
In the book, it speaks repeatedly of the tactics of birders in locating hard to find species. One method is by playing back recordings of the target bird. Sibley Guides states, “There is no debate that playback is one of the most powerful tools in a birder’s struggle to see birds in the wild. Birds that might otherwise be too shy to come into the open can be lured into view by the sound of a potential rival. Whether this trickery has any significant impact on the birds is not so clear.” They go on to state that playback is prohibited in many parks and refuges because of the potential disturbance of bird behavior. Just to give it a test, I tried using playback to attract some birds. I went up near the duckweed bog behind the animal shelter with my small reocorder. Twice now, all I’ve managed to conjure up is a Carolina Wren. It seems they are quite the inquisitive little guys and will come check out any call... no matter what species I play. Walton County, Georgia
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February 2025