![]() William Wise Photo Nature Notes is a wildlife, birding and nature photography blog documenting the beauty, design and wonder of God’s creation. -- "What a wildly wonderful world, God! You made it all, with Wisdom at Your side, made earth overflow with your wonderful creations." Psalms 104 The Message Phinizy Swamp Nature Park is a great place! Perhaps because I live over an hour away in Athens, I had no idea it even existed. But when I joined iNaturalist, I began seeing all kinds of great photographs being posted! Living in the Piedmont, I typically had to drive several hours to find some good wetlands habitat. I was happy to find this great place call Phinizy Swamp! On any visit, the long-legged waders are present. Ibis, herons, egrets and a variety of other waterfowl love the wetland cells. It is some great habitat for them. On my last January visit, it was definitely a gathering of the greats: Great Egrets and Great Blue Herons. There were dozens and dozens of stately white Great Egrets standing in marshes. The Great Blues were a bit more tricky to find, and in less abundance. The Great Egret, Ardea alba, is found throughout the world in tropical or warm climes. Being all white and standing at 1 meter tall, it often stands out among the green reeds of the wetlands it inhabits. The Great Blue Heron, Ardea herodias, is a bit taller, but its gray and blue coloration make it blend in with its surroundings a bit better. Both wade through the shallow marsh waters with their long legs hunting for a wide variety of food, including fish, snakes, frogs, dragonflies and crustaceans. With plenty of these prey items available as well, Phinizy Swamp is a great place for the gathering of the Greats! New Year's Day at Phinizy Swamp Nature Park; Richmond County, Georgia
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February 2025